1 ReadMe First -1.txt
1 ReadMe First (1).txt
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READ ME For folder: /data/project/organisms/MODIS_LST_Oregon/ClearDayGDAL This folder contains raster files of average daily Clear Day values as well as raw Clear Day measures that were extracted from the MODIS LST data stored inthe ../MODIS_LST_Oregon folder. The clear day raster files are in ERDAS Imagine format and comprise two tiles in Oregon. This data is being prepared for a proof of concept application of the climate fusion process. The two Clear Day tiles contained in this dataset are h08v04 and h09v04; and the dataset contains files for 10 years of daily raw Clear Day measures, plus 870 files of average daily values - one average for each day of the year (average of 10-year values) for each h08v04 and h09v04 tiles. Files with names similar to: MOD11A1.A2009263.h09v04.005_ClearDay.img contain the raw integer values extracted from the MODIS LST data. Files with names simiar to: Day_1_Average_Scaled.img contain the 10-year average scaled values one file for each tile for each day of the year (numbered 1 through 366). Scaled rasters have the scale factor 0.0005 applied to the prior integer only values present in the source Clear Day and MODIS LST layers). Calculated by John Donoghue On 16-17 October 2010 DO NOT DELETE